2014年11月10日 星期一

Lipton Tea Panna Cotta | Hong Kong recipe

These classic Panna Cotta with ice tea are great for a party. It is recommended by one of my chef. Check it now and take a trial!

1. Place 1 liter milk in a saucepan and bring to boil. Remove from heat.
2. Add 20 bags Lipton Yellow Label Tea and soak for 10 minutes. Remove tea bag.
3. Stir and bring to boil again. Add 400g Carte D’Or Panna Cotta Mix and 1 liter cream, stir well until combined.
4. Portion and refrigerate for at least 2 hours, or until set.

Amount Name
400g Carte D'Or Pannacotta Mix 
20pc Lipton Yellow Label Tea - S120 Teabag 
1000ml Milk
1000ml Cream

