2015年1月7日 星期三

Knorr Loyalty Program

From 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2015, when purchasing any of 8 Knorr Loyalty Program's promotion products, you can enjoy 3 Offers and get fabulous prizes! Know more about the program, get the application form and view the lucky draw-iPhone 5s' winners, register now!

聯合利華飲食 - 儲分有賞

由2014年9月1日至2015年8月31日,購買聯合利華飲食-家樂牌8款「儲分有賞」之推廣產品,累積分數可享有3重奬賞! 想了解更多有關「儲分有賞」活動,領取參加表格以及查看最新的 iPhone5s中獎名單。立即註冊,開始累積分數𦢼取巨奬!

2015年1月6日 星期二

Brew your guests the perfect cup | Hong Kong recipe

Lipton - Tips for the perfect serve

Preparing the perfect cup of tea is easy, if you follow these simple steps:

Always use fresh water, as water which has previously been boiled will have been de-oxygenated.
Bring water to the boil quickly, and keep it boiling for a couple of minutes to soften the water
Use some of this boiling water to warm the cup or pot
Place your teabag or loose tea into the cup or pot, then add the boiling water
Leave the tea to brew as per the packaging instructions, or by following the below guide
Remove the teabags and give the tea a gentle stir to ensure a consistent taste (avoiding it tasting stronger at the top of the cup)
Serve at the ideal drinking temperature of around 60 ˚C.

ufs hong kong - Events & Promotions | Hong Kong recipe

ufs hong kong - Events & Promotions
Discover new concepts and promotions going on in the world of Unilever Food Solutions. We’ll have merchandising solutions and ideas to improve your operations and provide your customers with more reasons to enjoy dining at your establishment. From interviews with renowned chefs to promotions and contests in your country, you’ll find inspiration that will help you build your business.

Mixed Fruit Pudding | Hong Kong recipe

Jelly is not the only dessert in your restaurant. Mixed Fruit Pudding is a good recipe for chef, as it is easy and low cost. Jelly is

1. Make a pudding according to KNORR standard ratio and allow it to cool and firm. Pour in a container and arrange bird's nest and gold leave on it nicely.
2. Mix well sweet sago and coconut milk. Pour to a cup and arrange jam and diced fruit nicely on it. (making shredded sugar as decoration is definitely a plus to desserts).
Amount Name
10g bird's nest (soaked)
50g diced fruit (for decoration)
40g sweet sago
30g BEST FOODS Coconut Milk
1Proper red plum jam (for decoration)
1a little gold leaves
1piece edible flower
50g Carte D'Or Pannacotta Mix 
240g Water

Banana Cup Strudel | Hong Kong recipe

These classic Banana Cup Strudel with ice tea are great for you dinner. It is recommended by one of my chef. Check it now and take a trial!

1. Mix all ingredients and cook for 3 minutes.
Amount Name
200g Fruits, Bananas (sliced)
100g BEST FOODS Fruity Salad Dressing
5g Spice, Cinnamon powder
50g Margarine, Planta chef
150g Margarine, Planta chef
180g Pastry, Fillo Pastry Sheet (12 sheets)
  Cinnamon Stick, mint leaves & whipped cream as garnishing

Red Jujube Pudding | Hong Kong recipe

We are pround to introduce a new recipe (Red Jujube Pudding) for you, it is easy and health. Also It is recommended by carte d'or chef  . Make it for your family and enjoy the meal!

1. Make the pudding according to the KNORR standard ratio. When it is done, dice it.
2. Add water to the fresh fungus, red jujubes and wolfberries and cook for 30 minutes (until soft). Extract the wolfberries and red jujubes to be ready for use. Add fungus and the soup in a blender and blend. Add sugar to season and let it cool. Pour the cooled liquid into the pudding.

Amount Name
100g fresh fungus
1piece Red dates
600ml Water
30g Granulated sugar
50g Carte D'Or Pannacotta Mix 
200g Water

Best Foods Mayonnaise | Hong Kong recipe

I would like to recommend this receipe to you as I like to add Best Foods Mayonnaise to my salad.

Amount Name
200g BEST FOODS Mayonnaise
60g BEST FOODS Mayonnaise

Mix the ingredients.

Crispy-Fried Mala Sakura Shrimp | Hong Kong recipe

The receipe is good for you, as the sauce paired with it just bring out the best of the meat. Go with your dears to buy the materials and cook it together!

Amount Name
100g shrimps
40g peanuts (chopped)
5g Sesame
1a little Coriander (chopped)
5g Fried diced garlic
200g crispy powder
10g Knorr Mala Liquid Seasoning 
10g Sugar
5g Sesame oil
1. Marinate the shrimps with KNORR Mala Chili Liquid Seasoning, sugar and sesame oil.
2. Add the penults to the crispy powder and mix well. Coat the shrimps with the crispy powder and fry until becomes golden brown.
3. Use fried garlic, coriander and sesames to decorate the dish.

Scallop & Bird's Nest Soup | Hong Kong recipe

We are pround to introduce a new recipe (Scallop & Bird's Nest Soup) for you, it is easy and health. Also It is recommended by chef. Check it now and make it for your family!

Amount Name
160g scallop (finely diced and quickly broiled)
150g Egg yolk
60g bird's nest (soaked and cleaned)
5g KNORR Chicken Powder 
1500g Knorr Authentic Superior Stock 

1. Bring KNORR Authentic Superior Stock to broil , then add the scallop.
2. Pour in the yolk slowly to thicken the soup.
3. Add the bird's nest.

Pan-Fried Chicken Cartilage & Diced Beef Tenderloin with Cashew Sauce | Hong Kong recipe

Food allergy is very comment in my city,  The receipe is not only for people who ha sFood allergy, so I think most of the chef would recommend to you.

Amount Name
300g beef tenderloin (diced) (lightly fried)
100g chicken cartilage (quickly broiled)
30g cashew (fried)
40g green asparagus (diced)
60g red pepper (diced)
60g dragon fruit (diced)
1a little chopped green onion
30g Oil
20g Knorr Aromatic Spicy Paste - Seafood Stir-fry Sauce 
10g Knorr Chicken Liquid Bouillion 
1a little Sugar
1. Add oil and sauté the diced beef tenderloin, red pepper, green asparagus and chicken cartilage until aromatic.
2 Season with KNORR ASP Seafood and KNORR Concentrated Chicken Bouillon.
3 Add diced dragon fruit and cashew and stir-fry. Garnish with chopped green onions.

Braised Abalone and Goose Feet | Hong Kong recipe

Delicious Braised Abalone and Goose Feet with Knorr sauces is my favour. Check it now! Make it for your most important people and enjoy it.

Amount Name
180g abalone (a whole piece, braised)
6pc goose feet( braised)
200g in-season vegetables
1000g Knorr Authentic Superior Stock 
10g KNORR Chicken Powder 
30g KNORR Premium Oyster Sauce 
1a little Sugar
20g KNORR KINGSFORD’S Cornstarch
1. First, simmer the abalone and goose feet until cooked.
2. Place the vegetables on a plate with the cooked abalone and goose feet on top of it.
3. Bring the opened KNORR Authentic Superior Stock, KNORR Premium Oyster Sauce, KNORR Chicken Powder and sugar to broil , then add KNORR KINGSFORD’S Cornstarch to lightly thicken the sauce.

2015年1月5日 星期一

「Culin'ART 食‧尚‧煮‧意」雜誌 - 2014年冬季號 No. 6| 香港食譜網

聯合利華飲食在本期冬季號《團圓好食,玩美經典年菜》中,我們特別針對台港兩地最具代表性的兩道年菜『盆菜』和『佛跳牆』談起,介紹其歷史,也提出現代烹調的概念,強調省時、省力、口味創新且品質一致;也在『美味食譜』單元中,介紹各式各樣創意年菜料理。同時也介紹當季食材- 栗子及詳細介紹珍貴蕈菇的料理及應用。還有港式奶茶製作方式、廚房好幫手敲蛋器的應用,以及香港最大的茶餐廳 – 翠華專訪等單元與大家分享。

為您的顧客沖泡一杯完美的茶| 香港食譜網

立頓 - 完美沖泡之秘技



聯合利華飲食 - 自然品鮮| 香港食譜網

聯合利華飲食 - 自然品鮮
中國人特別講究“不 時,不食”的飲食理念。這裡 的“時”一指時令、季節,提倡順應自然規律飲食;二指時節,每個節日都有其飲食風俗。春節,是中國人最重要的節日,人們闔家歡聚,祈求新的一年風調雨順。

綜合水果布丁杯| 香港食譜網


2、西米露與椰漿調勻,裝杯。排盤。果醬及果粒裝飾點綴即可。 (拉糖絲點綴,對甜點有加分的功效)
1、燕窩的功能包括養陰潤燥、益氣補中。 結合布丁與椰汁西米露更佳的食用口感。是仕女們的最愛養身聖品!!

數量 材料
10克 燕窩 (已浸發處理)
50克 水果丁 (點綴)
40克 糖水西米露
30克 椰漿
1適量 紅莓果醬 (劃盤點綴)
1少許 金箔
1朵 食用花
50克 羅拔臣意大利奶凍粉 

雞肉米沙律| 香港食譜網


1. 依照食物清單準備食材。
2. 將紅、黃椒塗上一些油,並放到烤架上。當外皮烤至焦黑後,將食材放入碗中、用保鮮膜蓋住靜置10分鐘,然後把焦黑的外皮去掉、將紅椒和黃椒切片。
3. 將飯和雞肉放在一個碗內,加入橄欖、香菜、煮好的紅椒和黃椒,然後淋上醬汁、拌勻。
4. 將完成品放入大碗中,讓賓客自行取用,或可依人數適當分配於小碗盤中。

數量 材料
450克 已煮熟的帶皮雞胸肉,切粒
225克 已煮熟、冷卻的長粒米
75克 已煮熟、冷卻的野米
160克 黃椒,對半切
300克 紅椒,對半切
50克 去核黑橄欖
5克 香菜末
150毫升 家樂牌油醋汁粉 – 意式香草

布丁紅棗膠源露| 香港食譜網


2、鮮木耳,紅棗,枸杞子加開水,一起煮約30分鐘(軟/透), 取出紅棗及枸子, 備用。加入果汁機木耳及湯汁用果汁機一起攪碎,加糖調味制涼。倒入杯中加入布丁。

數量 材料
100克 鮮木耳
1顆 紅棗
30克 砂糖
50克 羅拔臣意大利奶凍粉 

頂好牌美玉白汁| 香港食譜網


數量 材料
200克 頂好牌美玉白汁
60克 家樂牌油醋汁粉-意式香草(開好)


脆炸麻辣櫻花蝦| 香港食譜網


1. 蝦仁用 家樂牌鮮麻辣鮮露, 糖及麻油醃好.
2. 脆漿加入花生並撈勻, 蝦仁上炸漿炸至金黃.
3. 炸蒜, 莞莤及 芝麻裝飾.
厨師創作心得:鮮麻辣味道開胃清爽, 適合製作前菜, 小碟. 可用於各類涼拌菜式如青瓜,木耳與海蟄

數量 材料
100克 細蝦仁
40克 花生 (碎)
5克 芝麻
1少許 莞茜 (碎)
5克 炸蒜粒
200克 脆漿
10克 家樂牌鮮麻辣鮮露 
5克 麻油

帶子黃金燕窩羹| 香港食譜網


1. 煮滾開好的家樂牌真味高湯 , 下帶子粒.
2. 蛋黃慢慢倒入攪勻, 勾芡即成.
3. 燕窩放面.
數量 材料
160克 帶子 (切細粒並汆水)
150克 蛋黃
60克 燕窩 (浸發好)
5克 家樂牌雞粉 
1500克 家樂牌真味高湯 

腰果醬爆軟骨牛柳粒| 香港食譜網


厨師創作心得:此菜式配上海皇爆炒醬, 香濃惹味,鑊氣十足,為佐酒佳餚, 農曆年菜中加入此惹味小炒,令人食指大動。菜式食材也可以是各類爽脆海鮮如鮮魷、貝殼或為各式炒粉面等。
產品效果優勢:家樂牌海皇爆炒醬采用上鳳尾魚, 蝦乾, 海南燈籠椒製成, 海鮮風味濃郁,香辣惹味,使用方便,出品穩定,成本可控.新做法惠益:时间、产量 (此2個信息均用ICON代替)

數量 材料
300克 牛柳 (切粒)(拉油)
100克 雞軟骨 (汆水)
30克 腰果 (炸好)
40克 青蘆筍 (切丁)
60克 紅甜椒 (切丁)
60克 火龍果 (切丁)
1少許 蔥花
20克 家樂牌海皇爆炒醬 
10克 家樂牌濃縮鮮雞汁 

鮑魚扣鵝掌| 香港食譜網


灵感贴士:鮑魚屬於高價食材,須經過細心制作, 配合上等湯底, 以保留鮮味,才能體現出食材的價值感.此菜式中的主料鮑魚可用魚翅、花膠、海參及北菇等其他高檔食材代替
產品效果優勢:家樂牌真味高湯, 採用優質火腿原料,可還原廚師自制高湯口味,適用於炆, 燉, 煮, 煨, 入味快
數量 材料
180克 鮑魚 (原只,扣好)
6隻 鵝掌 (扣好)
200克 時菜
1000克 家樂牌真味高湯 
10克 家樂牌雞粉 
30克 家樂牌特級蠔油 
20克 家樂牌鷹栗粉